Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Birthday Boy!

It is outrageously late here but I couldn't go to bed in good conscience knowing I hadn't blogged a very happy birthday to my sweet, newly minted 6 year old!

I cannot believe six years have gone by since my world changed forever. I remember staring at that tiny, beautiful face for hours that night he was born, completely in awe of the incredible miracle.

And today I found myself staring at him, wondering who this tall, slim boy is who grew before my very eyes? This boy with dark blond hair, blue/greenish-gray eyes framed with incredible thick eyelashes, who has tiny perfect teeth and the faintest hint of a dimple when he smiles so widely. This boy with a fantastic sense of humor, a sweet sensitive heart and a strong sense of justice.

Who is this boy who learned how to ride a bike without training wheels in less than 2 hours and now rides around like he's been doing it all his life? This boy who is terrified of dogs and recently of flies but who was willing to catch lightening bugs and hold them in his hands? This boy who looks so much like his daddy and acts so much like his mommy?

Everywhere he goes, he carries around the same Thomas he has had since he was 2 1/2 years old, he torments his little brother in true elder-brother style, he doesn't care for chocolate, adores treats, doesn't like to be alone, loves to be told that we are proud of him, gives many spontaneous hugs, could sit and watch tv for hours and still hugs his giraffees tight at night as he drifts off to sleep.

What an incredible boy. An incredible gift.

I love you, Samuel Benjamin and can't wait to learn more about you every single year as you grow and change

Happy Birthday:)


Grandma W said...

Where does the time go? Happy Birthday to my Precious Grandson. I love you.

grandma said...

Happy Birthday to our precious Great grandson. Grandpagreat and Grandmagreat love you so much.
