Friday, September 14, 2012

His Brain.

 We have a son with a highly sophisticated, mysterious, interesting brain. His name is Zakkai, in case you hadn't guessed.

We don't understand most of the ways in which his mysterious brain works. We don't understand why he doesn't hear half of what we say or why he says the things he does, why he hangs hoola hoops on the bathroom wall with toothbrushes or things like that.

We do know that he is fearfully and wonderfully made! But boy, I wish we could have a glimpse inside that little boy's mind. Must be exciting!

Here is this week's glimpse into Zakkai's brain....

I came in to tuck Z into bed and this is what I saw. "Zakkai," I said, "where do you get these ideas??!!"

He chuckled in his strange little way and said, "I don't know. They're just in my mind and they just dig their way out!"

He sure keeps us on our toes, that one!

p.s. I should have clarified yesterday~it was mostly the umbrella ricocheting off the tree rather than Z's body. Didn't want you to think I was laughing hysterically at my son's misfortune!


Charity said...

What a smart idea! I think he is going to invent something pretty important someday.

Grandma W said...

Z is an amazing little boy! I agree with day his "inventiveness" will really shine. I can't wait to see it. In the mean time, I am enjoying watching it develop in him. (Also thanks to the encouragement of his parents.)
