Sunday, August 5, 2012

Saturday Fun!

Yesterday was busy! And really fun. To sum it up?

Errands with Eliana while,

My 3 boys cleaned and mopped the kitchen while,

Dancing to music!

Cleaning the downstairs while,

Eliana napped for 3 hours.

Preparing some food while

The boys watched a crazy thunderstorm from the frontporch while

Waiting for our good friends to arrive!

Spending the late afternoon and evening grilling while

Meeting our friend's new baby.

Enjoying a last summer hurrah with 3 of our favorite couples while

Gobbling down delicious summer-y foods.

Playing a rousing rendition of the Game of Life while

The kiddos were sleeping.

Laughing and joking with Batman (haha) while

Watching the Americans win the swimming relay race!

Saying goodbye while

Feeling uplifted with special time with special people.

My kind of day:)

Next up? Packing, more cleaning and MORE packing!!! 1 1/2 days til the big trip!!!!

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