Friday, June 5, 2009

Road Rage

I'll tell you a little secret that I don't usually tell. Back when I was 16, I failed my driver's test. Yep, it's true! I had been taken out driving for months with my brother-in-law, sister and (mean) boyfriend, my mom....all to no avail. You know why I think I failed it? I was extremely shy, unconfident and quite honestly terrified of the highway! I passed when I took it again one year later, this time much more confident to take on the road.

And here I am almost 11 years later, driving in a big city with a bunch of road-ragers! Living in a humongous city has definitely increased my ability to become a confident, aggressive driver. You have to be aggressive in order to survive! The people who drive exactly or below the speed limit usually get left in the dust with hateful glares and the distant sound of honking. I remember how terrified I was to live here and drive on some of the major highways, sure that I would be killed instantly or worse, get flicked off and have people yell at me. Can't have that! After almost 4 years of living here, you'd think I would be able to shake off the rude, road-ragers that seem to having nothing better to do with their time than to terrorize other people on the road. Not so, I found out today as I almost got crushed by a huge white 12 passenger van. I was shaking when he swerved by me, glaring and shouting what I am positive, were not kind, encouraging words. I'm glad my boys won't learn how to drive here;)

Speaking of my boys. News flash: They're adorable! That is, when they aren't driving me up the wall and creating new lines in my forehead. Zakkai, who can make even the least messy of foods, messy, chowed down on a piece of string cheese, only to have his hand covered in cheese-goo. I'm sorry, there's no other way to describe the nastiness! I wiped him off, completely I thought, and layed him down for naptime, when he held up his hand where there was a forgotten speck of goo and said, "I masty, mommy!" "Masty" is his word for nasty:) Then, as boys will do, he stuck his hand in his mouth and declared with great glee, "I ate the masty cheese! All clean!" Boys.

Samuel is really into this pretend game we play, where he is an animal and he crawls or hops up to me and makes the animal sound and I pretend feed him whatever that animal might eat. He might be a frog who hops over to get a dragonfly or a dog who ambles over for a treat. His latest animal is a baby wolf. It is the cutest thing you've ever seen and heard! He howls like a baby wolf, which sounds like "Howwwwwwwwwwwwww!" in a sweet high pitched voice and I feed him raw meat. He'll howl and tell me he's "How-ing" for his mommy wolf. This morning I left the boys finishing breakfast at the table to go talk to Ben and in the backround a few minutes later I suddenly heard the "Howwwwwwww" of the baby wolf calling his mama wolf. I wish I had a video camera with sound!:)

Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day!! I'll be outside later soaking up sunshine with my "masty" boy and my baby wolf!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait till you experience the aggressive tractors in Plain City! It makes Chicago look like sissyville.
