Wednesday, January 23, 2013

We FINALLY got a teeny tiny bit of snow here in Chicago. It was a very slow, lazy snow that has just barely covered the ground and dusted our cars. It was pretty while it fell but BOY, is it cold out!!! I guess I shouldn't have complained about such a "mild" winter last week:)

Eliana, who was perfectly fine yesterday, woke up with a cold in the middle of the night. So strange! She was slightly crabby and congested today but not too bad. I am hoping it will be mild and pass quickly. We were doing so well, too. Darn.

We have started doing some new parenting techniques lately. I volunteer in the LRC (library) at Z's school on Wednesdays and the lady who works in there copied these CD's for me from this guy who founded the Love and Logic Institute. I have really been enjoying listening to them and picking up new tips. He talks a lot about how easy it is for your first reaction to be anger or yelling but how you will teach them so much better if you use "consequence and sorrow." He has great tips on avoiding power struggles, teaching responsibility and so much more. And he's really funny which makes it enjoyable to listen to. We are coupling these CD's with a book I borrowed from the library called, "The 7 Secrets to Raising Healthy Sons." So far? Wow. A definite must read for anyone who has a son!

It's so scary, exciting, wonderful and overwhelming to raise a child. I constantly think, "What if I ruin them??" But I also pray that God will cover us in our mistakes and that He will give us the wisdom to raise them in this increasingly scary, horrible world.

We've had a lot of great changes in our household lately that make us feel hopeful and ready for this fresh new year. A year filled with possibilities!!

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