Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Want a little glimpse into 5 year old attitude?

And so it begins....
Yesterday Samuel came with me on a diaper-run after school and it was so nice to spend a little bit of time with just him; something that doesn't happen very often these days. As we were pulling into the parking lot he said, "The clouds looks so fluffy and soft! Are they made out of cotton? Can we get one down?"

After fumbling through an explanation of what clouds are made of (science refresher anyone?), I explained that we couldn't get one down . We got out of the car and he paused and said, "Couldn't we get a really tall ladder and get one down with a rope? They have some ladders at school.."

I love kid's imaginations!!
I tried to get a picture of Z today but he wasn't feelin' it. So he ran away:)
I took Eliana to the Dr's today because she just hasn't been able to shake this virus so I wanted to make sure that she is okay. It was as I suspected: a virus and I was told to cut out dairy products from my diet for a few days because after a gastrointestinal virus, you are temporarily lactose intolerant. So that may be the cause of her continued symptoms, I guess.

Thankfully today she seemed happier and more lively than she has in a week so that is good news! Here is a video for your enjoyment of her trying to roll over:) She tries (sometimes half-heartedly) many, many times (as you can see)before she finally gets it. She thinks it's funny to roll away and come back to us and has really enjoyed time on the floor lately!! She getting so fun!

And of course, she didn't actually roll over in the video.....She did it 1 minute later! Silly girl!


Emily S. said...

I've never heard about that temporary lactose intolerance thing- weird!
And I'm totally up for skyping on Saturday! Just text me whenever it's a good time for you. Frank's working and I just have to run a couple of errands, but am otherwise free.

grandma said...

Just think it won't be long before we can wittness E turning over in person. How much fun will we have. Can hardly wait.
