Thursday, September 23, 2010


Today for the First time:

*We ventured out of Toyota land and into Honda world

*We said goodbye to our trusty, much-loved 4 door sedan

*We can relax

We bought a Honda Odyssey!!!!!
Please meet...Van. It has no name yet. Are you a car namer?

My beloved, protective husband, seeing how hard this was on me, took all the papers, left at 10:30am today and came back at 5:20pm with a "new" car!
I cried very happy tears when he called me! I am SO thankful to have this car business behind us!

And we get to take this baby out for a little Apple Picking tomorrow.

What a great start to the weekend!!


grandma said...

Oh Heidi and Ben it is beautiful. I love the color. I guess if you can love a car this is it. We are so happy for your family. Now you can come back for Thanksgiving in style.

grandma said...

Oh I forgot My cars name is Betsy.

Emily S. said...

Hooray!!! I'm glad you finally got the car situation figured out- what a big stress reliever! Have fun apple picking!
