Monday, September 13, 2010

And we're off....

To a better week!

This big kindergartner is plugging away, trying so hard to be strong and brave. He had such a great day on Friday but definitely needed the quiet weekend that we had! And so did the rest of us...
He is now afflicted with Z's cold which is making him slightly more grumpy. We walked into his classroom this morning and he hung up his bag reluctantly and then came to me and said, "I don't think I want to do this today. I'm not too sure about this..."

But his teacher saw that he was hesitating in saying goodbye and quickly told him she had a special job for him. Thankfully, there was no crying as we said our goodbyes. Maybe not exactly happy, but I'll take it!

Tomorrow may be a different story. It's gym day and he is NOT thrilled...
In other news, after a bit of a car hiatus, we attempted to visit another dealership today. We have, for now, given up on Honda as we have had 2 bad experiences, and instead turned to trusty Toyota. We had a really pleasant experience! The car we went into see turned out to be a dud but lo and behold, they had another one, different color, two cars down that we could look at. It was in better condition all the way around, hence it being priced $2500 more than the other. (also why we didn't look at it in the first place!)

We did some quick negotiating and test driving and appraising for our car and basically we stalled with a $900 difference between what we can pay and what they are offering. So, we shook hands  with Eddie and walked away in peace, knowing that if this is the van we're supposed to have, it will work out! We sure have put a lot of prayer into finding a car!

It was really nice to have such a good experience. We are getting to be pros at this car stuff.

Not that I want to go through this again.

For a long, long time.

Or ever.

As a matter of fact, next time I am going to pray that a new car miraculously shows up outside on our driveway with a big bow on it.

 That is, when we have a driveway.

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