Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The First Day of School (and 32 weeks!)

My three favorite guys off to school!
Uncle Tim, Auntie K and the boys after school
Ms Mendez, S's kindergarten teacher
Zakkai decorating his nametag!
Look at my big boys:)
Samuel in line waiting to go in. Please don't tear up!!
Samuel at his table, next to his friend Fiona
Me and my preschooler and kindergartner

I am SOOOOO glad the first day of school is over! Maybe the anticipation is worse than the actual event. Maybe..

I was pretty emotional last night, I admit. My very thoughtful brother-in-law offered to pray with us before we all went to bed. I really needed that. I was pushing down feelings of panic all day yesterday over the thought of dropping off Samuel without being allowed into his classroom to settle him in. It's so very hard to trust your child to someone else's care for so many hours, especially when you don't even know them!

I think maybe I was putting myself in Samuel's shoes and feeling the intense feelings I remember as a child. I really struggled with school growing up, even throwing up the first 2-3 weeks of school every single year until 5th grade, when I made my very favorite teacher in the whole world.

But as soon as those feelings of panic arose, I pushed them down and prayed for my little one, knowing that as much as my mind cannot wrap around it, God loves my children even more than I do.

Wow. What a thought.

An amazingly after we all lifted up these two sweet boys last night in prayer, my emotions were in check and I was able to be strong for them today. Samuel woke up very emotional and was pretty teary over little things but really calmed down once I gave him a special little picture of our family to take with him to school today. He also loved the napkin I put in his lunch with a little message for him.

We were able to walk out at the same time as Ben, who was also on his way to school (to teach). When we got to school there were signs for many of the classes with balloons and the teachers waiting out front. Ms Mendez had them line up right away and greeted Samuel. He was so serious and kept watching me to gauge my reactions. The teacher thankfully let the parents come up with the class since we all had supplies. Once in the classroom she directed the kindergartners to their tables and asked the parents to be short and sweet with goodbyes. Samuel, still with a somber face, gave me sweet kisses and a hug and perked up a little when I reminded him about the picture he had with him, which he was clutching tightly in his hand.

He did SO well and I am so proud of him!

Z and I went to wait in the parent's room til it was his turn. His class was divided into shorter sessions today to make it less chaotic. He got to have a little chocolate donut hole and sit with me for awhile. He did so great once it was his turn! I helped him pick out a cubby for his book bag and get started decorating his namecard for his cubby. He was so happy once he started decorating and let go of my hand willingly. There was only a brief minute of hesitation and then he was happy! When I got up to go out for a little bit, he said, "Okay!" cheerfully.

Zakkai was so charged up after his session! He talked non-stop for the rest of the day, with a short nap as the exception. Samuel, on the other hand, was very very tired. He actually went into his room after his snack, informing Zakkai that he needed some "quiet time." :) And he shut the door and had quiet time for a long time!

All in all, it was a very very good day. Thank you, Lord!
Today also marks 32 weeks! I, or she I should say, has grown significantly lately! I have a big ole' belly!

I feel good, just tired and cumbersome!
*Moves a ton but is starting to run out of room!
*Still gets the hiccups several times a day
*Has more clothes than the boys ever had at this point!
*Is much anticipated!! I cannot wait to meet her and can't believe there are only 8 (or less!) weeks left
*Is getting lots of attention from the boys, even Zakkai finally!

1 comment:

Emily S. said...

So proud of ALL of you! Oh, the days of cubbies!
You're looking great- can't wait to see your little girl!
