Monday, August 30, 2010

My Guy(s)

I Love My Guys! All 3 of them:)

Working hard building a Lego masterpiece!

I love these 3 that fill my life with noise, love, and laughter. They also each drive me crazy at times but it's a good kind of crazy! Everyone needs a little crazy in their life:) My boys are growing up so quickly, before my eyes this summer. Zakkai told me that he is supposed to grow up (but I told him to slow down!) and Samuel told me he wants to stay 5 forever and got very upset and teary at the idea of growing up.

I had a glimpse of what I was like as a child when I told my mom that I was going to be a missionary and live at home for the rest of my life! Samuel says even when (if he has to) grow up, he will still cuddle with me and sit on my lap, give me hugs and play.

I will remind him of this someday! In about 10 years, I'm thinking...

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