The boys (and us, too!) have been having a blast with Grandma here visiting! She loves to spoil them rotten and they love to be spoiled, as most children do! I had to find ways to occupy them Thurs and Fri during the days while they counted down the hours til she got back from her conference. On Friday morning we spent a lot of time at the park since it was so much cooler out (blessed relief!) and in the afternoon I took them to a local toy store where they have crafts on Fridays.
This is an adorable toy store filled to the brim with an insane amount of toys (all way overpriced) but the best part is the many tables of toys they have out for kids to stop and play with! We spent a lot of time in there after the craft and even came back later with Gma and Daddy:) And of course, Grandma bought them a toy...
Z working hard on his airplane craft:) He concentrates so hard!
Samuel and his red airplane! He was very choosy and deliberate about which stickers could touch his airplane and where they were placed. It looked very nice! It was so hot in there, I felt like I was going to passout but thankfully when we stopped back later they had turned on the A.C. Have I mentioned how thankful I am for the A.C.??!! After our 2nd visit to the toystore, we ate dinner at one of the many cute restaurants lining the street. Yum!
Today we made a trip to Naperville! It was a really nice day and so fun. The boys weren't mad at each other in this picture; Daddy had just moved:)
Little baby ducklings! So cute
Grandma and one happy Samuel (with another new toy). We were letting our yummy Mexican food rest in our bellies! The boys (all 3!) and Grandma
Me and the Hubster:) I love this guy!
We were getting ready for another shot when Zakkai came running behind us and threw himself in between us. Little monster!
Our family!
1 comment:
The Brookfield Zoo such memories. Did Kim like the Zoo. Heidi you look wonderful. I thought picture of your family was so cute even baby girl in that picture. We just cant see her cute little face yet. Love you
1 comment:
The Brookfield Zoo such memories. Did Kim like the Zoo. Heidi you look wonderful. I thought picture of your family was so cute even baby girl in that picture. We just cant see her cute little face yet. Love you
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