Thursday, August 19, 2010

In which I watch my little boy grow up before my eyes...

Usually when we travel to Ohio after several months, our families (esp the grandmas) cannot believe how much the boys have grown. It happens so gradually when you are with them day in and day out, that it's easier to notice when other people point it out.

But lately. Lately, we have been watching our Z-man grow up literally right in front of us. It seems like he is changing each day! I knew he had grown physically, as he has mostly lost his buddha belly (I loved that belly!) and is developing that skinnier "boy" look. But his mind is maturing so much and he is really becoming such an independent little, er, big thing!

He is still feisty and full of life and quite frankly, a little dickens. He unrolls the toilet paper, flushes the toilet non-stop, colors on his hands and pours water from his cup into toys to drink out of. He has shown this lively spirit since he was 2 weeks old!

But now he doesn't want to hold my hand so much anymore:( I could always count on him being the first to jump at the chance of holding my hand. He wants to climb down the stairs himself and unlock the doors when we come home and buckle himself in his carseat. He has quit fighting us on getting himself dressed and does it all by himself (mostly..). The other day he put his shoes on the wrong feet and when I pointed it out he said, "No, I di.....I want them this way!"

He still says the silliest things like telling me about the "posquitos" that are biting him and asking for more "pasketti" (spaghetti) and how the "ghostes" are scary. But he also is really developing his own interests and opinions. "No fanks, mommy," he'll say often. He asks me every single day (at least for the past week or more) when and if  he can be an astronaut and LOVES with a capital L, getting books from the library about spaceships and firetrucks.

His newest thing is really wanting someone to play with him, usually Ben or I. He will make his little car, train or motorcycle talk to us and say (every single time), "Hel-lloo-oo. Do you want to go to the museum?" He was happy playing by himself or with Samuel before but really wants this interaction so much more with us. He is really showing signs of being ready for preschool and learning to do more things himself and making friends. Although he says he doesn't want any friends, but "fanks" anyways, mommy!

He has come a long way from this adorable 5 day old baby to a spunky, vibrant, independent, stubborn, charming, adorable 3 1/2 year old. Happy 3 1/2 year old bday tomorrow, Zakkai! Please try not to grow up so fast, okay?

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