My mommy heart is happy tonight! The first day of preschool was a success! Samuel brought a lump into my throat when he stood in front of me in his school uniform SO proud to get his picture taken...
(see his name card in his cubby that he decorated below..)
Took his name card over to the sign in table and wrote his whole name on the page!! The "M" was almost a "W" but we salvaged it:) He participated in large group time, where his new friends welcomed him. He told them how he carved a pumpkin with his daddy this weekend:)
Then during "free exploration" time, he got so involved playing with one of his teachers, Mrs. Torres, and a new friend named Jose, that he didn't even look around for me! I sat unobtrusively on a bench at the back of the room behind the cubbies and just observed. Towards the end of our time there, he spotted me and wanted me to play with him. He got to help the teacher set the timer to let everyone (mostly for him:) know that clean up time was coming and helped clean up, picked out a book to take home (they have a little library system) and off we went!
He ate his lunch in the car that I packed in his new lunchbox and we headed off to find a bigger bookbag that will actually fit his folder (parent-teacher communications) and books in. He also got a little prize for being SUCH a brave boy today..
His very own "ambliance" with a back door that opens! (Thank you Target for your .97 cent toys!) He was really proud of himself today and daddy and I told him how very proud we were of him, too. Tonight before bed he said, "Hey! I go to school like you now, daddy! I will work very hard like you, too."
Such a big, sweet boy we have! Go Samuel!
Oh that is SO sweet! He looks like such a doll in his new uniform! Glad to hear that the first day went so well! See you thursday!
Samuel looks so old in his uniform. How fast they grow up! Go Samuel!
Ahh they grow up so many days a week is preschool?
4 days but will go to 5 days in January. He does look grown-up, doesn't he? sniff!
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