Monday, October 19, 2009


After much prayer, sadness, agonizing, prayer, talking, researching, prayer, advice, and persistence.........

Our Samuel is going to preschool!!

I am excited, scared, nervous, anxious, hopeful....many things! It was a "random" God-opened door, we feel. I was doing research on the internet and came across a site about schools in your community and clicked on Chicago and the first question that came up was "What are the best preschools in Chicago and why?" My curiosity was immediately piqued and I found my heart beating with excitement when I read about Samuel's now future preschool which has an immediate opening! He starts on Monday.

Today I spent a lot of time with the teachers at the preschool, observing and asking lots and lots and lots of questions:) This isn't just a case of first time school-mom syndrome (although it's that, too:); it's finding the right fit for my little boy where he can thrive, grow and work through the tough obstacles he has faced in his little lifetime. I know I haven't shared much, if anything, before and I still want to be careful because I never ever want my precious son to be labeled by me or anyone else but Samuel has struggled with sensory issues from the time he was a baby. He received the help he needed last year through an official diagnosis and occupational therapy and grew tremendously. We were (and still are!)incredibly proud of the hard work he did!

But as he enters the "big bad world", my overprotective mommy heart needs to know that my baby will be taken care of. I can only hope and pray that good things will come out of this and that it will only heal and strengthen not only my heart but his as well.

My big boy is growing up. Sniff.

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