Friday, October 23, 2009

The Tooth Fairy

Another good, productive day here! This school business has me running around like a...well, like a school-mom, I guess! In the past 2 days we have: gone school shopping (part A), enrolled officially in preschool, made lots of phone calls, gone to the dentist, the post office, the dr.'s to get forms signed. I'm tired just writing it!

Really, though we are feeling at such peace about this whole decision and that feeling is made even more apparent by Samuel's overall acceptance and even excitement over going. He reminded me today that there were only three more days before Monday when he starts! It makes me happy to see him excited.

We took him in to meet his teachers, see the classroom and officially enroll him yesterday afternoon. He had a GREAT time. He picked out his cubby to hang his bookbag and coat, decorated a name card to go in his cubby, played with toys with Zakkai, got his picture taken, got to choose a book to take home and cried when we left. I'd say that's a good sign! I feel like he will do really well once he adjusts. I know the adjusting part is always hard with him but we are prepared to deal with it and praying for a smooth transition.
The boys had their very first dentist visit today!'re supposed to take children when they are one (right-o.) but due to the sensitive nature of my eldest, that didn't happen in this house! Zakkai actually did really well! He turned his head away and got a little moody but once we got him to open his mouth, he did great! Samuel was really scared. We started with him, didn't get anywhere, switched to Zakkai and then came back to Samuel. They couldn't use the toothbrushy thing that spins because it really scared him so they resorted to good old-fashioned techniques: a regular toothbrush and gauze to wipe the flouride and cleaning stuff out instead of the suction tube. He did well once the pressure was off and I left with two cavity-free boys who were happy with their stickers:)

I, on the other hand, had to go to the dentist, too, today and came home with good and bad news. The good news? According to my dentist, I have "really nice teeth and no cavitites!" Woohoo! The bad news? I brush too hard (never thought I did...) and the gum has eroded so far away from one of my bottom front teeth (I only have less than a millimeter of attached tissue) that I have to have gum tissue harvest graft surgery. Or something like that....I am scared to death! It sounds horrible! But, of course, in the end could it be worse than constantly having sore gums and the risk of infection? sigh...
Well, I am off to carve a pumpkin with my hubby and push the distressing tooth issue to the back of my mind on this cozy, rainy Friday night:) Happy Friday!


Anonymous said...

Who would have thought that one could brush too hard! That's nuts!

grandma said...

Well. I can relate with your tooth stories. I don't know what I've done but I have such pain in a tooth. Have no dentist down here. OH my how I wish I was back in Columbus. Oh well I guess I will have to try someone down here. Dread of all dreads. I will pray for you and you pray for me.

Anonymous said...

Tsk Tsk, I seem to recall sister that long ago I told you that your toothbrush bristles were not supposed to go crazy and splay out... :)
