Despite last week being incredibly busy, we still managed to fit in some fun L activities! Along with L, here are our K crafts:)
K is for Kite! (Z's kite)
S's kite (did you guess it was going to be red?!) 
L is for:
L is for:
Fall Leaves! I asked the boys to hold up their very favorite leaf they collected and Samuel held up the teensiest, tiniest little red leaf you ever saw that probably wouldn't even show up on the camera, so I said, "How about a bigger one?!" 
Zakkai's favorite leaf!
and Afghanistan Leopard..
And a Black Leopard...
An Amar Leopard (who knew there were so many leopards!)
And of course, Lions!! Pretty crazy how close we were to them!
So we made our own lions for our notebooks:)
And Grandma sent the boys their own lions!!

Our Alphabet wall now sports K's on kardboard (just kidding, I'm not that cheesy; I know it's with a "c":) and Lollipop L's!
L is also for: A fun trip to the "big" library downtown with our favorite friends!! where we got LOTS of books like "Lighthouses" and "Leaf Man"; we also read "Love You Forever" ; L is for lights, lips, legs, Lightening McQueen (S is becoming a "Cars" fan!), legos (boys also big fans!), laughter, love, the lake, lollipops, and lots more!
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