Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Patience and Stress

I used to be a very patient person a long time ago. People said, "Heidi, you are so patient!" And I was. 'Was' being the key word.

I'm not sure what happened to my patience. I think Chicago killed it. And then I had some children. And then I got pregnant and the hormones are raging. And my patience is gone. Gone like the wind! (And there is plenty of wind here...) I snap at crazy drivers, I am short-tempered with the boys, I got really angry at the lady who scraped my car last week (WHILE I WAS IN IT) and then tried to drive away and pretend nothing happened, and on and on....I hardly recognize myself!!

On the serious side, though, I felt really bad because I was snapping at the boys a lot this afternoon, feeling tired, feeling the stress of 2 days left before moving and my house looks like the mafia hit it (I'm not really sure what the mafia does to houses but use your imagination!), trying to figure out how to "clean it" for one last House Group hurrah tomorrow (so sorry, my friends, but I don't think the cleanliness part is going to happen!), so many phone calls to make, worrying about silly things and worrying about big things...

There is a lot going on right now but I know that is no excuse to be snapping at my boys like a turtle. They are affected by the changes just like we are and that's probably why they are bugging a bit more than usual! I apologized to them tonight and when we prayed before bed, I asked for forgiveness for my grumpiness. How am I supposed to set a good example for my buddies, if I'm all grouchy and short-tempered?

Let me tell you something about kids though. They are full of grace. They do not hesitate to forgive and move on. I am continuously humbled by their love for me. Love I do not deserve!! I am so thankful for them and I really hope that I can be more patient tomorrow, even with the stresses looming over me.

"Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness...." Just a few things for me to work on!

1 comment:

grandma said...

Such a cute hair cut Heidi. I bet you feel so much better. We are praying for the big move. I know it will go well. Love you All
