Thursday, June 17, 2010


Not too much to report today! I highly doubt that you want to hear about all the check-marks I made on my long to-do list that was weighing on me or how Zakkai, who refuses to complete the second half of potty training, pooped in his underwear during naptime, or that we found the missing hardware to the boys' beds!

So pretty much, it was a ho-hum day which was actually nice, considering I haven't had one of those in awhile! Ben took Samuel with him to run errands in HP so I had a little peace and quiet while Z napped....until the poop in his pants episode that you don't want to hear about....

We got railing installed on our front porch this afternoon which makes us feel SO much better about the boys' safety! (and ours, too!) It looks pretty nice and the boys will be happy to be able to walk normally on the porch without us breathing down their necks in fear of an accident.


Samuel is really excited about the idea of having a sister and his face lit up tonight when I told him that if he talked to her a lot, she would know his voice when she is born. He immediately and shyly leaned forward close to my belly and said, "Hi, xxxx (we may possibly...have the baby's name decided!:) my name is Samuel!" He was so cute:) And then Zakkai wanted a turn and said, "Baby, goodnight and Samuel is your mommy and..." And then plopped himself in bed. He is so ridiculous and makes no sense half the time! But it's all part of his charm:)

Lots of good things are happening right now but it is not always easy to adjust to so much change. I miss our friends a lot; friends that were always within in easy reach. I miss being able to text or call up my other mommy friends and go to the playground or parks together. I miss housegroup coming over on Thursday nights. They have been like our family here! While we are excited to build a community here, it isn't easy to do. Change can be exciting and painful all at the same time. Maybe because today was such a "normal" day, I felt a little more lonely than usual. I really hope that I can meet some nice people soon.

1 comment:

grandma said...

Oh Heidi, I never thought about you leaving all your friends. I thought they were all leaving also. We will pray you meet some new ones soon. Praise that you love to read and also have those dear boys. Trying to remember back when I had my girls didn't have many close friends was to busy with 3 girls. when Mike came I started to have more friends we were in Springfield them. Memories.
