Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sunny Days

These sunshiny days are so welcome and refreshing! I looked out the window and thought, "No coats today, woohoo!", with it supposedly being 63 and all. Right. Whoever made up that temperature forgot to add in lake-effect wind:) Other than it being at least 10 degrees cooler, it was so nice to get outside and let the wild boys roam.

They have such a good time running and playing and laughing and soaking up the fresh air. The minute the sun peeps out and it is warm enough, about a bazillion children come out of the woodworks and congregate on our playground. It's a little overwhelming sometimes...

We are busy starting plans for our upcoming family vacation! Really looking forward to some much needed time away and hopefully some relaxation! I got the boys some sandals, swimming trunks and new baseball hats (I like to get them matching ones each year) and they spent the entire afternoon the other day, trying on their new gear and asking, "Is it Florida Day yet?!"

Any suggestions on entertaining two little boys on a 17 1/2 hour drive would be much appreciated! Florida sound great until I focus on the drive....and then I get scared. But then I think of the sun and my grandparents and swimming and it all sounds great again:) May this be the first vacation of many!!

Totally random picture that I found as I was about to post. I saw this house when Ben and I went away a couple summers ago and fell in love with it's unique charm! Maybe someday we will have a house of our own..

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