Daddy can make you laugh so easily! You come to him to be tickled over and over again, even while claiming you don't like it. We don't believe that anymore:) You look like Daddy so much and almost everyone agrees. You learn like him, you even bug your little brother just like he did. Drives me crazy but I know you love him so much. I guess it's just what big brothers do.
You often don't get the same attention from me as Zakkai does because you don't demand it in the same "loud" way. I have to make sure that I really pay attention to what you're saying because I know it makes you feel loved to be heard and valued. I value you, Samuel. I always want you to know that I love you.
You melted my heart when you asked me to sleep with you the whole night last night. I asked what daddy would do when I wasn't there to keep him warm and you made me laugh when you responded after a pause, "He can have Zakkai!" :) I love that you still want me to be close to you. You forgive easily and love easily. I laid there next to you for several minutes and traced your hairline with my finger. And my heart swelled.
With love for you.
You are precious, my Samuel.
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