Learned some sad news today that one of Ben's former professors from his bachelors and masters programs, passed away this weekend due to a virus that is deadly once it enters the brain. He left the school a few years ago to become the senior pastor of a church in columbus. There are many people mourning the loss of such a nice man!
On the other hand, I forgot to share some good news we learned last week (in case you missed it on FB!). Our compassion sponsor child, Daphka was found alive and uninjured!! She and her family have damage to their home but are okay. We were so relieved and excited to hear this! Thank you to anyone who prayed for her!
`````````````````````````````The other day, Samuel was begging me to write his initials on his mouse that Grandma gave him because Zakkai has a matching one and they didn't want to mix them up. I was busy and asked him to wait just a moment but being Mr. Impatient, he went and found the permanent marker and tried to mark on mouse's tag by himself. He was very distraught when he accidentally made markings on mouse's rear and was informed they wouldn't come off. I finally convinced him, after many tears and pleadings to get a new mouse, that the marks were "scars" just like he has:)
Well the next day he snuck the permanent marker out again and decided to decorate his mouse a little more...

Hey Heidi, did you know that Pastor Dave was our pastor at Grace? (Scott and I had been going to church there for a couple of years) We are just sick over his death. It is just so hard when death comes so fast and unexpected. Anyway, I know he's in a better place, but I just feel so bad for his family and the church he left. Hope you're doing well. Miss you and I need to call you one of these days! :)
I wasn't sure if that was the church you went to. I am so sorry, Charity. We were so sad to hear about it all. Ben's mom just sent him a picture of him and Dr Plaster at Ben's graduation. He was a really really nice guy and I know a lot of people loved him. I hope you do call soon!
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