Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Lazy Days
I have gotten some great pictures of the boys outside. Today we took another tour of the Villages where we are staying. It's a retirement community made up of many "villages." There are town squares, recreation centers, pools, tons of stores, restaurants....everything! The best part (the boys think anyways) is that most people drive around in golf carts! My grandparents own one and we took a spin around the neighborhood last night for the first time. Zakkai was absolutely terrified at first and clutched my arms like a lifeline but soon relaxed slightly and enjoyed it.
Samuel has decided that we need to ride around in a golf cart "forever." :) We went to go feed ducks this afternoon before dinner. Tomorrow's agenda includes swimming and watching line dancing in the town square:)
Oh and the best part for me so far? Two words: Vacation Naps.
Monday, March 29, 2010
We're here!
I am sitting on my grandparent's lanai with the sun gently touching my own ghostly skin. The breeze is blowing and windchimes are singing softly in the backround. No sounds of traffic or sirens. No screaming children (mine don't count) or crazy people (well, not that I've seen yet...).
Pure peacefulness.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Vacation Driving!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Nicey and Peter Pan
So the thing about my blanket is that I sleep with it under my pillow and have since I can remember. The other day I pulled it out for some reason and it was laying on my bed and Zakkai spotted it. He asked what it was and I told him it was mine when I was little like him. He pulled it towards him and studied it and said, "It was yours when you were a little mommy?"

Tonight Ben took Samuel to see the play "Peter Pan" at his school! Samuel was so excited and had such a good time!
This is right after they got back:) We read Peter Pan tonight, too. Ben asked the boys if they wanted to be like Peter Pan and never grow up. They agreed enthusiastically.
I may be in trouble.
Baby Day

Isn't he beautiful?! I can't wait to meet him! And then my friend who is trying to keep her 32 wker twins baking a little longer went into preterm labor and is in the hospital trying to hold it at bay. I watched her older kiddos from 4:45 til about 1am! You know when anyone heads to the hospital they will be there for hours and hours (and hours)so I came prepared with my glasses, snacks, books and my Snuggie. Have I mentioned how much I love my Snuggie? Great invention!
So I am greeting this morning with more babysitting, friends visiting and hopefully some packing for sunny Florida! I have a LOT to do in the next couple of days. I'd better run but I'll try to update later!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Mr Cool
The boys were really nervous going in and we had to promise them that they weren't going to get any shots or anything that would hurt them. Little did we know that they would have to get eye drops to dilate their pupils that stung! The optometrists "forgot" to warn us of that minor fact which resulted in some amazing screaming from Z and crying from S. Great fun. Oh did I say that already?
At least their eyes are good. They are both a bit far sighted but nothing that requires glasses. For now they are left with crazy looking eyes that hopefully will fade sometime tomorrow...They have to wear sunglasses in the sunlight and bright lights.
Without further ado, I give you Mr. and Mr. Cool.

Monday, March 22, 2010
Flow with me here for a minute and take a walk down memory lane....:)
And here is one of our favorite simple recipes! The boys even gobble this up, which rates it an A in my book!
Three Beans and Sausage
1 lb smoked sausage, cut into 1 inch slices (sometimes I use turkey kielbasa)
1 can ea (16oz ea) of kidney beans, great northern beans and black beans; rinsed and drained
1/4 cup minced onion
1 cup water
1 can (8oz) tomato sauce
1 tsp chicken bouillon granules
1 tsp garlic powder
2-3 cups cooked Rice
1. In a 5-Qt crockpot, combine all ingredients except rice. Cover and cook on low for 4 to 4 1/2 hours or until heated through. Serve over rice!
*Sometimes I like to throw broccoli in towards the end to steam. Yum!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
When I saw this I thought..

*There is still a bit of babyness in that face even though he claims he's all big boy!
*There is orneriness, too!
*Usually that mouth is talking non-stop unless it is eating. Then there is some serious concentration:)
*He can take the un-messiest food and make it messy.
*He is doing fabulous with potty training! Only had one accident today (and a couple dribbles but they don't count, right?!)
*He can still scream with the best of 'em.
*He is very affectionate and sweet with us.

Saturday, March 20, 2010
*I have no pictures b/c I keep forgetting to take some.
*It dropped 20 degrees from yesterday and snowed today. Yuck.
*Even the boys were upset. Samuel almost looked like he could cry, "Snow?! But it's not supposed to snow!!" It seems cruel.
*So we spent the whole day inside.
*Except for the 30 min that Ben took the boys out to return one of his library books. The boys leapt at the chance to escape, packed up bookbags of toys even though they were told repeatedly they didn't need them, got bundled up for the snowstorm and left.
*I got peace and quiet. For 30 minutes. It was nice.
*My husband is becoming obsessed with basketball. Darn that March Madness.
*In one week, we'll be over halfway to Florida! Must do laundry.....lots of laundry.
*Speaking of laundry, I found a Salvation Army Thrift Store yesterday and found some great stuff for the boys (mostly S) for the summer, and some shirts for Ben! And possibly a few things for me.....Aside from it being kind of crowded and dirty, I left happy.
*I read 1 1/2 books today. I'm looking for new authors. Suggestions?
*I secretly popped the balloons leftover from Z's party (2 weeks and going strong!) the other day, all except one and my crime wasn't discovered until today. Samuel was not happy with me. "Mommy! You shouldn't have done that! We love these balloons! We wanted to play with them forever!"
*Aside from "forever", Samuel's newest favorite words that he must've learned at school are "prediction" and "distracting." He came home the other day and said, "Zakkai, let's make a prediction!" and then yesterday I heard him say, "Mommy, when Zakkai is talking to me, it is distracting me." Gotta love it!
*It's been one year now since I got a haircut. Just about the time Ben says, "I really like your hair long.." , I am suddenly hit with an urge to cut it off. Strange...
Well, that's all for tonight, folks! I try to take some pics for tomorrow!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Sunny Days
They have such a good time running and playing and laughing and soaking up the fresh air. The minute the sun peeps out and it is warm enough, about a bazillion children come out of the woodworks and congregate on our playground. It's a little overwhelming sometimes...
We are busy starting plans for our upcoming family vacation! Really looking forward to some much needed time away and hopefully some relaxation! I got the boys some sandals, swimming trunks and new baseball hats (I like to get them matching ones each year) and they spent the entire afternoon the other day, trying on their new gear and asking, "Is it Florida Day yet?!"
Any suggestions on entertaining two little boys on a 17 1/2 hour drive would be much appreciated! Florida sound great until I focus on the drive....and then I get scared. But then I think of the sun and my grandparents and swimming and it all sounds great again:) May this be the first vacation of many!!
Totally random picture that I found as I was about to post. I saw this house when Ben and I went away a couple summers ago and fell in love with it's unique charm! Maybe someday we will have a house of our own..
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
7 Years
7 Years. We read once in a marriage book (yeah, housegroup!) that once you hit 10 years, you know everything and are basically marriage-pros. So, woohoo! 3 more years to go!
It's hard to believe so many years have passed. I think back to how very young, idealistic, and romantic we (okay, I) were and how a young couple thinks everything will be so wonderful all the time. And for awhile it feels that way! And then real life comes along. But the really great thing about when "real life" comes into your marriage, is that you can choose to allow it to separate you and fight it or you can use it to cling to each other and God and make your marriage deeper and more beautiful.

7 Years. I don't think I would've believed anyone who'd told me on my wedding day what my life would be like 7 years later. I wouldn't have know then what I know now, that all of the valleys and twists and turns and mountain peaks that we have faced together are what have encased this marriage with silver and gold. I wouldn't trade any day that we've been through.
So here's to marriage! I'm looking forward to at least 60 more years with my best friend! I love you, Ben!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Weekend with my boys!
The boys have played SO well together this weekend! From cars to trains, building forts under their little table, riding bikes (in the house:), to Samuel helping Z go potty (yes, a story to come!), they have been buddies:) A nice change from the days they spend yelling at each other!

Stay tuned tomorrow for a special Anniversary post:) I'm hoping to dig up a wedding picture, too!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Bubble Bath and The Carpet of Many Colors

And add a couple of these....

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I really really enjoyed my time outside today, spring. The sunshine, the warmth, the fresh breeze on my face. The children. Oh, did you see all the children outside enjoying you, spring? Please stay, I'm begging you! I was beginning to think you'd never come!
I'm promise I won't complain when it rains a lot and the grass is a mess of mud. I really won't mind, if you'd just hang around for awhile. The pure joy on those pale little faces running through the playground was priceless. The pure joy on my pale face was probably priceless, too.
Ah, spring! I missed you!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
My Samuel

Daddy can make you laugh so easily! You come to him to be tickled over and over again, even while claiming you don't like it. We don't believe that anymore:) You look like Daddy so much and almost everyone agrees. You learn like him, you even bug your little brother just like he did. Drives me crazy but I know you love him so much. I guess it's just what big brothers do.
You often don't get the same attention from me as Zakkai does because you don't demand it in the same "loud" way. I have to make sure that I really pay attention to what you're saying because I know it makes you feel loved to be heard and valued. I value you, Samuel. I always want you to know that I love you.
You melted my heart when you asked me to sleep with you the whole night last night. I asked what daddy would do when I wasn't there to keep him warm and you made me laugh when you responded after a pause, "He can have Zakkai!" :) I love that you still want me to be close to you. You forgive easily and love easily. I laid there next to you for several minutes and traced your hairline with my finger. And my heart swelled.
With love for you.
You are precious, my Samuel.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Where am I?

Learned some sad news today that one of Ben's former professors from his bachelors and masters programs, passed away this weekend due to a virus that is deadly once it enters the brain. He left the school a few years ago to become the senior pastor of a church in columbus. There are many people mourning the loss of such a nice man!
On the other hand, I forgot to share some good news we learned last week (in case you missed it on FB!). Our compassion sponsor child, Daphka was found alive and uninjured!! She and her family have damage to their home but are okay. We were so relieved and excited to hear this! Thank you to anyone who prayed for her!
`````````````````````````````The other day, Samuel was begging me to write his initials on his mouse that Grandma gave him because Zakkai has a matching one and they didn't want to mix them up. I was busy and asked him to wait just a moment but being Mr. Impatient, he went and found the permanent marker and tried to mark on mouse's tag by himself. He was very distraught when he accidentally made markings on mouse's rear and was informed they wouldn't come off. I finally convinced him, after many tears and pleadings to get a new mouse, that the marks were "scars" just like he has:)
Well the next day he snuck the permanent marker out again and decided to decorate his mouse a little more...

Saturday, March 6, 2010
3 Year Old Astronaut:)
Immediately all astronaut trainees were enthralled with the blue balloons scattered around the floor. Seriously, if you ever want to entertain a young child who is bored, blow up a few balloons, grab a magazine and relax on the couch b/c they will be entertained for hours! I had Z's little friends decorate their own rocketships (a.k.a. big cardboard boxes:) with some star stickers. I wasn't sure how it would go over but they really had a blast decorating the boxes and then taking turns riding in them! There were seriously stars ALL over the floor:)
My wonderful, amazing, generous friend, Danielle, came over to help me set up before the party, saving me many gray hairs! She helped put together another little project for the little ones: little spaceships made out of styrofoam plates and bowls. They got to decorate those with more stars and coloring. Some friends chose to decorate theirs, others threw theirs on the floor (hey, whatever floats your boat!), while still others preferred to color on the black posterboard laid out on the small table.
The menu? Moon pizzas (the infamous homemade Thomas pizza:), Veggies: fire sticks (carrots), glow sticks (celery), and mini planets (olives, Fruit: cut-up Asteroids (oranges), some jiggly Alien stars (green jello!) and for dessert rocketship cake and patriotic cupcakes!!
It was a happy party:)

Friday, March 5, 2010
Sneak Preview

More to come!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Introducing Zakkai Nathaniel on guitar:
Some things to note:
*You get to see Zakkai's intermittent "shy side" come out. When he plays guitar, he tells me to go back in the kitchen and Ben to go to the bedroom to study:)
*That horrendous crackling noise in the backround is Samuel crinkling a cereal bag.
*I have no idea where that awful southern accent came from that slipped out of my mouth when I said, "This is Zakkai!" Then I had to roll with it and add some more so it wouldn't sound stupid! It didn't work...I'm usually much better with my southern accent. I blame it on my cold:)
All we need to do is get him singing and we've got the next Johnny Cash, right? I knew you'd think so!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Recipe Tuesday?
Tonight's meal:
Grilled Hawaiian Chicken and Pineapple Sandwiches

6 boneless skinless chicken breast halves, pounded to 1/4 " thick
1 cup Hawaiian style marinade
6 pineapple rings
6 slices provolone cheese
6 wheat sandwich rolls, sliced
6 tablespoons thousand island salad dressing
6 leaves romaine lettuce
6 slices tomato
1. Place chicken in resealable bag and pour in the marinade. Seal bag and marinate in refrigerator for 1 hour or up to overnight.
2. When ready to prepare, preheat oven to broil (or grill). Place sheet of foil over top oven rack. Place chicken pieces on foil and broil about 10 min, turning halfway through. About 5 min before chicken is done, put pineapple slices on rack and cook for 1-2 min each side.
3. Remove chicken from oven and place piece of cheese on top immediately to melt. Top with pineapple slice. Serve chicken on bun, toasted if desired, with lettuce and tomato. Spread dressing or ketchup on top bun and enjoy!
*This recipe called for onion rolls, I substituted wheat sandwich rolls
*The idea of Thousand Island freaked me out a bit so we substituted ketchup, which was really good!:)
*For the boys: I just cut up chicken instead of making it into a sandwich and served the pineapple slices, cheese, and tomato slices separately! Samuel ate a bun and Z (a.k.a. the bread-hater) had a tortilla. I served it with black beans as a side!
*Good meal; would make again!
Other than eating food, we are back into routine again, continuing to heal physically and praying we don't catch anymore germs this week! I am getting ready for Z's post-poned Astronaut Party on Friday (will post pics!) which he is very excited about:) I get nervous planning parties, like I will be judged on how "cool" it is or something. Pretty silly to be worried about a 3 year old's party, isn't it? (Enter reassurement here).
I must say I am very thankful for my Mom Plan It Calendar (which I so lovingly get each Christmas from my MIL!!) during months like these.

This month is filled with appointments, parties, our 7th anniversary (Babysitting, anyone??) and our very first family vacation!! Woo hoo, March!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Reverse Psychology