Something very strange happens to children during those "alien years" and I am frightened to see it happen to my own sweet angels! I am incredibly thankful that Samuel, my eldest who will be the first to test those murky teenage waters, still hugs me and blows kisses to me at school, tells me he loves me, cuddles, cries, greets me with big smiles...... I experienced my first taste of the future. It went like this.
Setting: In the car, driving home from school.
Me: "What did you do today, buddy?"
Samuel: "Um....I don't know."
Me: "What do you mean you don't know? What about the computer?"(his ABSOLUTE fav thing to do at school)
Samuel: "It was closed today."
Me: "So what did you do instead?"
Samuel: " with rice."
Me: "And what else?"
Samuel: "Um...well...I don't remember."
Me: "What do you mean you don't remember?"
Samuel: "I don't know. I did somefing."
*Fast forward through several more minutes of fruitless questioning*
Samuel: "Um, I did something with Mrs. Torres today." (Score! Finally an answer!)
Me: "Oh, yea?! What did you do?"
Samuel: "Um, I don't know."
Me: "What do you mean you don't know? You just told me you did something with Mrs. Torres today! Did you read a book? (no) Did you paint or draw in your journal? (no) Did you play a game? (no)"
Samuel: "Um, we built a tower."
Me: "Oh, a tower! That's great! What did you build it with?"
Samuel: "Somefing."
Me: "Wow....somefing, huh? Hmmm...wooden blocks? Legos? (No and no). Did anyone else build with you? Did Mrs. Torres help you?"
Samuel: "Uh, no. Mrs Torres didn't help me."
Me: "I thought you just said she built a tower with you!"
Samuel: "Well...she didn't. She helped someone else."
Me: "Oh. Well. Hmm."
*I finally give up and we continue home in silence as Samuel happily munches on his lunch.*
Oh Heidi, I totally hear you. It is like pulling teeth to get Elliot to tell me about his day at preschool! And he's a talker! He just seems to want to keep some things to himself. Ugh.
I never told you how excited and happy I am for you and Samuel, for his preschool experience, and how well he is doing. Thrilled with you!!
thank you, Angela! we are really happy with all of this:) And I'm glad to know Samuel's not the only "mute" preschooler out there:)
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