Thursday, April 14, 2011


Woohoo! I just got on to post and saw that my blog counter is at 11,000 hits!!! So thank you so much friends, family (and lurkers!) for faithfully reading my silly blog!

I'd like to thank 3 special people for making this all possible...haha, just kidding! But really, there are 3 special people.....

I am going to recap my day today more for my own amusement than yours. It will help me appreciate our vacation even more when I look back someday:)

*7:45am~  *Dropped off boys at school

*8-9:45am ~ *Dropped off stuff at Salvation Army
                     *Went to the produce market
                     *Got bagels at Panera and had strange encounter with two workers...
                     *Bought sunscreen at Target (probably the cheapest purchase I have ever made

9:45-10:15am~ *Rushed home and got E fed and settled in for a nap.
                          *Began gathering boys clothes for packing

10:15-10:45am~ *Returned movie at store and barely escaped being accosted by crazy person in
                            parking lot. Consider myself lucky...
                            *Picked up Z from school

10:45-11:45am~ *Fed E and Z lunch and settled both down for naps.
                            *Managed to feed myself, too:)

11:45-12:45pm~ *Went to library to get books/book on tape for trip

12:45-1:30pm~ *Rushed home to feed Miss E again and start packing for her..

1:35-1:55~  *Went to pick up Samuel from school

2pm-4pm~ *Baked cookies for potluck at school
                  *Performed Mommy duties
                  *Gave boys a bath
                  *Washed and cut up produce for trip
                   *Organized snacks for trip
                   *Attempted brief sporatic bursts of packing

4pm-6pm~ *Family attended Spring Potluck at school

6:15pm~ *Rushed home to get many small offspring to bed as quickly as possible

7pm-10pm~ *Much packing ensued.

10-10:30pm~ *Quick computer catch-up and blogging!


Anyone else tired???

I won't be blogging very much in the next week because I will be soaking up as much family time as possible (and a little sun, too:) but be sure to catch up with me in a week!!!

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