Does it really matter whether you co-sleep or not, nurse or bottle feed, never let the baby cry or let the baby cry a little, give birth naturally or with pain meds, and on and on? It doesn't make you a better mother (or person) because you make different decisions that you feel are "right" for you.
Anyways. Just wanted to say thanks. It's nice to have friends when you're feeling discouraged!
Just a few pics before I head off to bed (while I can:) Samuel begged me to take a picture of him with his little sis the other day. Can't get enough of her!

Warning, next picture is sad!

This is the first picture that Zakkai has ever taken with a real camera:) He begged me to let him take one. Hence, a blurry picture of a tired mama! He also took a picture of the couch but I was pretty sure that you didn't really want to see that...
I am off to sleep off a very busy day!
I'm going comment crazy :)
I've had very good luck recently using lanolin (yes, the Lansinoh brand nipple cream!) to clear up Basil's diaper rash and to heal my chapped hands. If you have some handy I think it might work on poor Zakkai. (I have to run the tube under hot water to get it spread easily, but once it's on it's soothing, waterproof, and absolutely not going anywhere - it is a little sticky though.)
I hope today is not so busy!
Thanks for a great idea! And thanks for commenting~I love it!
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