Monday, February 28, 2011

Rhyming Adventure

The boys and I often like to play silly rhyming games and sing silly rhyming songs. It makes life much more fun and interesting. Really, try it sometime!

So I thought I'd wing it and "sing" a little rhyme about our day. Let's see how bad this will be... (written from the prospective of the chidren)

Monday is a busy day

Begins with school and ends with play.

Mommy runs here and there,

Driving around everywhere.

She drops us off and picks us up,

Feeds us meals and fills our cup(s).

We come home tired and ready to fight,

Which makes our mommy look a fright.

She feeds the baby all day long,

Puts her to bed and sings a song.

After dinner she hurries us to bed,

Because on her feet, she feels dead.

She sits and reads til she feels weary,

Checks on us 'cuz she loves us clearly.

And then she sleeps when the day is done

To prepare for tomorrow when up comes the sun.

(insert smattering of polite applause)

Hey, it couldn't have been too bad for a last minute made-up rhyme, right?



Remember when I told you E has a lot of clothes for the next few months?

I wasn't kidding. These are all her 3-6 mos clothes plus half her 0-3 month clothes that needed to be washed. It's very exciting to dress her each day:)
Oh yeah, I'm talkin' about this cutie here!!

She sat in her little walker, a hand-me-down from her beloved brothers, today for the first time and absolutely loved it! She's been wanting to sit up more and I don't really have anywhere to put her so this is great! Except for the 6 times that I had to tell the boys to leave it alone and to stop climbing in it...

Saturday morning style:) Have I mentioned how much I love our griddle lately???

Z made it to school today for the first time in a week. He did really well but was absolutely exhausted tonight (which means lots of tantrums and meltdowns). He has his follow-up tomorrow so hopefully he can stop taking his meds!

Samuel, enjoying some reading time with daddy:) Can't believe how good he's getting at reading and how much more fun it is becoming for him now that it's not such hard work. He can't help but read now and I'll find him reading emails over my shoulder, signs on the way to school, papers that come home from school or's a whole new world!

And it's a busy world and packed tomorrow so I'm off to slumberland;) Happy Monday!

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