I even opened the windows for a bit today to let fresh air in (and let the germs out!!!) and it was so nice.

We are trying to get Samuel signed up for a class for the spring (soccer, tennis or golf) with his best buddy but he is absolutely refusing and says he'll never go. Sigh. His stubborn streak is most definitely coming out!
I have no idea where he gets it....

But after a few minutes of fussing and crying (but not really hard), she was able to put herself to sleep (1 time for a 3 hour nap!). Yea, Little Girl!! We'll see about tonight...
Also, she really has started laughing!!! She let out one or two laughs in the last couple of weeks but it was a quick "I'm not quite sure what to do here" burst. But I swore Monday that she looked at me and laughed and then she did it to Ben when he knelt down to talk to her yesterday.
And today for the first time, I actually got her to laugh a lot by making a silly noise:) It was incredibly charming and I fell in love with her again. (for the millionth time!)
The sad news is that I'm almost certain she is getting pink-eye and have to take her in to the drs tomorrow:( Always something with these kiddos!!

In other news, in the past few days, our printer, vacuum and microwave have all bit the dust but this means great fun for our handy "fix-it" boy! We let him play with the printer for a bit yesterday and he worked very hard testing it out, tightening things with his tools and trying to fix it. He's really cute when he does this and it keeps him entertained for hours!!
He is very ready to turn 4 years old on Sunday and tells me over and over "I am a big boy now, Mommy. I'm not a baby anymore." (sniff) But I comfort myself that there is still a little baby in there when I look into his emotional (irrational) baby blue's and see his soft baby chubby upper arms and the Buddha belly that is still slightly there and when I feel that sweet little hand tuck in mine everyday as we walk into school.
He may not want to admit it...but he's still my baby:)
1 comment:
I hate to hear that Little E is getting pink eye. Oh dear...just thought about how contagious it is. Will be praying about that, too. I love you all so much.
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