Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Big Do Part II!

 It was MY turn to sit in the haircutting seat today, although not in a pink airplane like Eliana:) She asked me this morning if I was going to get to sit in a yellow airplane. Just picturing how funny that would be.....

I found groupons for both of us (different places, of course!) since we were both in dire need of some sprucing up. It's been almost a year since my last haircut and it was a weird experience. The groupon I found was for a higher end salon and it was a great deal!

Here's my before: sitting in the parking lot before I went in to relieve myself of some of the serious weight of my hair! I start to look like "It" from the Adam's Family once my hair starts getting so long. I have such a long narrow face that I need to break it up a bit.

So I did! I got a good 5 inches chopped off and it feels great!! Ben says he loves it and he's a tough critic so that makes me happy:) On a side note, why do I look so...old?? I guess it has been a rough year so it's to be expected. At least I don't have gray hair like my dearest husband...haha. (Shhh, don't tell him I said that!)

Eliana is just infatuated with her new hair-do and has been worried all day that sleeping and the wind have messed it all up. She was satisfied with a couple brushings today and even requested a blow-dry at bedtime tonight. Ha, what is she turning into?! She says next time she'll get a cut like me:)

She and I finished our last week of grocery shopping today. I am waiting to make sure we make it through this last week of April with no more trips to the store before I share the results. It's been fun this month doing the budget makeover! Never though I'd say it was fun but....it was. Mostly:)

On a random side note, Ben and Zakkai have been learning Latin together! Zakkai faded out pretty quickly (although he did like hearing the Lord's Prayer in Latin) but Samuel seems to have the same love of learning as his dear old dad and I am pretty impressed at what they have learned! Not something you would hear in many households:)

And I don't know about you but I am very thankful for the sunshine and signs of spring starting to bloom. It always makes you feel a little more hopeful, especially after a LONG winter!

1 comment:

Emily and Frank said...

Love it!! And I'm sad to confess that I've started to notice gray hairs- eek!
