One nice thing about blogging each night is that it gives me a chance to run through our day in my mind and think about all the things, big and little, that happened and see what stands out. I also notice that I pay attention to details more, thinking, "That would be a great thing to blog about!"
Nevermind that I usually forget by the time I sit down:)
The happy news of the day is that Zakkai has finally turned the corner health-wise and finally seems to be on the mend! He had me worried there for several days. As you can see, his lip area is starting to heal now~less raw and more scabbed over. His poor nose is still pretty sore so he doesn't like me to touch it and doesn't want to blow his nose anymore. Can't blame him!
Zakkai? Are you there?
Oh, there you are, goose!
On Saturday, we decided to get out for a bit and took the bus downtown to the Lego Store on Michigan Ave. You should've heard the cheers that rang out of the boys when they heard where we were going!

Mommy, can we move in here?
Ben, I am your father.
E~ "We were at the Lego store??!" She fell sound asleep after "lunch" when we went back to play for a few more minutes. Don't worry, she was breathing just fine and had plenty of air;) She likes to bury her head under the wrap to sleep!
This is the sweet outfit that Little Miss wore yesterday to honor Daddy. If you can't see, it says "I love my Daddy." As if he needed anything else to melt his heart!
In a continuation of her sleep saga (sick of it yet?!), after being woken up no less than 7 times last night, I came to the conclusion that Eliana is a Paci Addict. I had to come out of denial and see the light for myself, though the haze of sleep-deprived desperation!
So, we made the tough choice to break her from the pacifier today:( I felt really bad (Okay, guilty, if you must know) and I really need to stop reading what other people say on the internet because it influences me waaay too much! But she was super over-tired this morning (me, too! me, too!) and I can't let that go on.
Plan: No more paci! We have scaled down the crying rule to 7 minutes (10 is very hard to keep up) and plan to go in and soothe, let her suck on our finger for a minute or two to calm, and then leave and repeat.
Nap 1: Only cried 6 minutes, then lights out for 2 hours!!! Much better than her recent 30 min naps!
Nap 2: Cried about 14 min total (with soothing in between) and slept about 1 hour.
Nap 3: Fought off and on for 1 hour before giving up for a 55 min nap.
Bedtime: No peep at all and still counting!! She has been starting her crazy wake-ups around 9pm (it is 9:05 now...) so I am hoping against all hope that she will have a better night!
All in all, it was a better day than I thought. Hopefully this will help her get more rest and learn to self-soothe a little better. I know, there's that nasty word again! But I am hopeful this time!
The Hubster and I got to go on a date last night due to some nifty babysitting swapping that he initiated:) I babysat for some friends on Sunday night and they babysat in return for us last night. It was a short yet sweet time together! It was, after all, my first time leaving Eliana longer than 30 min and she isn't exactly....sleep trust-worthy yet. Good thing we came back when we did because she was up within 15-20 min after our friend left. Stinker! (the baby, not the friend:)
Anyways, it was so refreshing to get out and walk in the (cold) night air and hold hands and talk about little things without, "Mommy! Daddy! Look at me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!" Oh, sorry. You got the point? Love those critters but definitely need some Mommy-Daddy time.
And we ended the night with some delicious Caramel Chocolate Cheesecake and watched The Office!
My kind of night! Well, except for the hourly wake-ups......