Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy Birthday, Samuel!

Today my "little" boy is not so little anymore! Five years ago we became a family of three!

Dear Samuel,

I love you so very much! You won't understand until you become a daddy someday, but your child's birthday is bittersweet. You celebrate with joy as you see your child's face light up with anticipation of surprises and sweet birthday greetings and yummy treats. You celebrate as you remember the day your life was changed forever by the birth of your precious child. But it's also bittersweet because it is yet another year passing far too quickly, seeing your child grow up and needing you less and less each year.

Five years! I almost can't wrap my mind around the idea that you are this "old!" You will think I am so silly when I read this to you and probably say, "Mommy, I'm not old!" You're right:) But you aren't so very little anymore either. You are becoming more mature all the time, growing up before our very eyes. About to start kindergarten, getting into bigger boy toys, having more mature conversations with us.....

Wow. My life changed in an amazing way the day the doctor said, "You have a son!" and placed my little peach-fuzz baby on my tummy. You stopped crying immediately as I talked to you, as if you already knew how much I loved you and that I would take care of you. I haven't always done the best job because mommies sometimes make mistakes, too, but I always, always, ALWAYS love you and thank God that He gave you to me to love!

Happy 5th Birthday, Samuel Benjamin! Thank you for bringing a smile to my face every day with your beautiful blue-grey eyes, sweet smile and inquisitive mind!

I love you,

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