Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sickness strikes again!

Well, my evening took a sudden turn for the worse about an hour ago! This poor little man suddenly came down with croup...again:(

He woke up with a weird cough today but acted fine and then started losing his voice this afternoon. I was a little worried by the time he went to bed that he might head in this direction but really hoped not. Then, not even 5 minutes after the last of our housegroup friends walked out the door, he woke up barking and gasping for air. I had terrible flashbacks of the last time this happened in December but thankfully knew what to do this time!

I had Ben open the window right next to our rocker and sat with him laying on me, facing my chest, covered with a Snuggie. He sounded so bad for awhile and I sat rocked him and held him and prayed over and over. After awhile, his cough sounded a tiny bit looser and he threw up a little and almost immediately his breathing eased a bit. He is asleep again and I am afraid this isn't our first midnight meeting tonight. Poor little guy! Thankfully, he has a dr appointment for his 3 year check-up anyways in the morning!

I'd better get some sleep in case I'm up again tonight! Hopefully, I will have happier things to post tomorrow!

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