Friday, August 7, 2009

Starting out my morning..

The Ways I've started out my morning so far.....

*Waking up to Ben calling my name in a slight panic (although I'm sure his version might be slightly different) as he told me an earwig was crawling up his arm. We flipped back the pillows only to find....nothing. And as Ben headed towards the bathroom, I turned to pull up the covers and make the bed only to shriek and jump back because there, nestling in my white down comforter was not an earwig but one of those huge creepy crawly things with thousands of legs that crawl really fast. It is dead now. I can't feel bad about that because....well, I hate bugs and he is not on our lease, I'm pretty sure.

*Then hearing strange scuffling noises on the monitor and bursting through the boy's door to find Zakkai sitting on top of the dresser, happily turning on and off the monitor light. I scolded him and put him back in bed only to look over and see that Samuel had been still sleeping. I accidently woke him up as I burst through the door on my bug-finding high. Darn it.

*Remembering the dream I had last night where I went from my sleek, Shredded muscles to rippling bodybuilder-like muscles....It really freaked me out and I panicked thinking I would either have to stop working out or enter a contest! I woke up to find, with great relief, that my arms are not bulging with man-like muscles...Whew!

And how, I wonder, does this bode for the rest of the day? We'll see, I guess!!


Angela Kim said...

oh heidi...i am SO sorry. those disgusting bugs freak me out more than almost anything (aside from anything in the rodent family)...I really hope your day has gotten much better. :)

mommyoflove3 said...

Well, it's definitely been a crazy day! I haven't had much of a chance to sit down but at least no bugs!!!

grandma said...

Oh how I hate bugs. Down in Florida there are the biggest bugs. We call them palmetto bugs. They are big. Grandpa sprayed and they went away.Praise the Lord I'd have to go back to Ohio if they did not go away.
