Sunday, November 10, 2013

Thankfulness and Fall!

We've been having a fall-ish weekend over here:) We really enjoy our weekends together, since they are usually the only days we have all together as a family. The kiddos just soak up their time with Daddy, and vice versa.

Friday night, our friends stayed for dinner and a game after coming to pick up Baby C. We haven't had company in awhile and we really treasure time with our friends! Baby C went to sleep in his car seat in our room and Eliana took that as a sure sign that he and his mommy and daddy were spending the night! She said, "Where are Miss Emily and Mr. Ben going to lay down? Where are you going to sleep? Downstairs?" It took some convincing to get her to believe me that we weren't having a giant slumber party:)

Saturday, we went to an annual craft bazaar/school fundraiser event. Many different types of vendors sell their homemade crafts and have little stations set up around the gyms of a nearby school. We saw some really cool things like jewelry, crocheted character hats (Minnie Mouse, Yoda, Puppy, Hello Kitty, etc.), ornaments, quilts, and more. One jewelry vendor saw Eliana crying (naptime + runny nose= slightly grouchy 3 year old) and gave her a free beaded bracelet, which I think she has lost already....It was very sweet!

And we were supposed to go to some friends' for lunch today after church but it got canceled due to sickness in their house. Instead we spent a quiet afternoon; the boys playing outside with friends, me napping on the couch, Ben playing his guitar and Eliana playing with flubber:) We completed our relaxing day with chili, pumpkin pie with an oreo crust and a rousing game of Scrabble with the boys! Zakkai did a pretty awesome job for this only being his second time ever playing. He needed a little help here and there (Zakkai "voguez isn't a word, buddy") but we were impressed at how well he did. He was in tears in the end because he lost and refused to congratulate Daddy on winning. We are working on learning to be a "gracious loser." :)

I have seen people doing their month of thankfulness and I am behind but I will just say that I am really thankful for my family and I treasure our time together:)

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