Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bugs on the Trees

Spring "sprung" briefly this week! Oh, it lifts your spirits up so much, doesn't it?! It felt heavenly to get those cooped up-sick-of-seeing-the-inside-of-our-apartment-wall-stir-crazy boys outside!! I think they went down the slide a combined total of..611 times yesterday and today:)

We have been talking a lot about spring for obvious reasons. It's so fun to explain things to Samuel now that he's older and can have "real" conversations. We have a bazillion big windows in our living room/dining room area that look out at some huge trees. So at lunch yesterday we were talking about the trees "budding" when the spring comes. Here's a sample of our conversation:
Samuel: "Why are the trees moving, mommy?"
H: "Because they are SOOO happy that it is warm outside! They are dancing. And pretty soon they will get buds on their branches that will turn into green leaves."
Samuel with funny expression on his face: "Bugs, mommy? why will they get bugs on their branches?"
H, laughing: "Oh, not "bugs", "buddddss." There will be little tiny buds soon. I will show you!"
Samuel: "Will the bugs be there when I wake up from my nap?"
H: "No..it'll be a few weeks probably but I'll show you as soon as I see them. And they are called "buDs" with a "D."
Samuel shakes his head with ornery look on face: "No, mommy, they aren't buds. I want to call them bugs!"
And so, soon the trees will have bugs on them that will turn into big green leaves:)

And in Z-news: the little boogar is climbing everywhere! In the past 3 days, I have found him on the kitchen table, the deep freezer and most recently today...I came in to get him up from his nap after hearing a particularly suspicious crash. I expected to see his head pop up from the pack n' play that was on the other side of our bed but instead heard a little voice peep, "Hey, mommy!" from my left. I found Zakkai sitting on our old tv stand-turned-nightstand picking out books to read! He had finally figured out how to climb out of the pack n' play, onto our bed, across the bed and over to get himself a nice naptime story to read...sigh. It's a good thing this child is so darn cute!!

And cute he is! His latest adorable two year old ism? He gets nose-to-nose with me or puts his hands on the sides of my face and says in THE sweetest, softest little voice, "Hey, mommy, hey, mommy, I tell you someping?" Oh, he melts my heart! In between causing gray hairs, that is...

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