Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Mommy

This is the story about a mommy who was trying to play with her boys...and ended up spending the afternoon in the ER.
That mommy It was so silly that I probably should just save my pride and not post the story! But I don't think very many people read this anyways:) I mentioned that I signed the boys up for classes and Z's are on Fridays. So, after being cooped up for 2 days due to the extreme cold (-7 on Thurs!!), we were itching to get out on Friday! Turns out we were the only ones...
Anyways, close to the end of the time, the boys were racing around in these little push toy cars. There were three cars and it makes perfect sense that since there were three of car for each! The boys wanted me to race so bad so I squeezed myself into the seat of this little car, not built for a mommy, and tried to race with them. I told Samuel that I could not go forwards so we should race backwards, pushing off with our legs. I decided to give it a try, gave a mighty push backwards.....straight into the edge of a wooden table. I hit my upper back so hard that it knocked the breath straight out of me. I was literally hunched over for 5 minutes, trying to breathe. So by the grace of God and through growing pain, I got the boys and I home. Seriously, I have no idea how I got them home! I prayed the whole ways (about a 7 min walk), "Please, Lord, please, Lord."
I stumbled in and called for Ben, who was JUST about to leave for school. He helped me get the boys fed and down for naps and then we made the decision to call a friend to come watch them so we could go to the er. By this point, I was in so much pain, I was having pain in my chest and when I stood up, I kept feeling like I was going to pass out. So off we went to the lovely, wonderful, clean, and fast-paced ER! Okay, only one of those things was's an er.
So after a long wait and three different lines and check-ins, a nurse gave me a Vicodin because I was moving pretty slow and in a lot of pain. About a half hour later I got called back and shortly after putting on the beautiful hospital gown so they could look at my back, started feeling incredibly...crazy! I felt like my body was being detached! I was going to throw up or pass out or...I don't even know! Ben ran to get the nurse and she tried to get me on the bed so she could listen to my heart and all of the sudden I couldn't breathe! I was gasping for air and it was the scariest thing not to get air! My hands and feet started to go numb and it got so bad that my fingers curled up in weird positions and I could not move them anymore! It was so scary. The thought running through my mind was that I was becoming paralyzed right in front of my eyes!
They were checking my back and asking Ben, "Is she always this pale?" He was like, "No!" So they sent me for lung xrays to make sure my lung hadn't collapsed (I don't know why it would've but okay..) and I felt calmer but still weird. They took xrays but left me alone in the xray room and I started to feel crazy again and was slumped over in the chair, as much as my back would allow and finally the xray technician came back in and was able to get the nurses. They determined I was having a severe reaction to the vicodin. So after lots of waiting and feeling REALLY crappy, they found no broken bones (thank, the Lord!) but said that I have a bad contusion (bruise) on my vertebrae. Fun. Oh, and never to take vicodin again...:)
So here I am, sitting on the couch, reading blogs and trying to entertain the boys without lifting them, popping the advil and trying to take it easy. Besides the physical pain, it hurts to hear the boys call for me and ask me for hugs or to pick them up...and I have to tell them I can't. They don't get it! They think mommy's and daddy's are invincible and should heal immediately! If only it were that way....
In the meantime, we're playing lots of Mr. Potato Head and watching cartoons:)


Anonymous said...

Oh Heidi my dear granddaughter what a terrible time you are having. Of and so far away. Here I am in Florida and can be of no help. May be you better come down here and recoop. Oh how I wish that was possible. We are praying for you blessed Heidi. Love you Grandma

Emily and Frank said...

Hope you getting to feeling better ASAP!! Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to heal and spend time on the couch looking at quilting and home magazines!

Angela Kim said...

oh my gosh. i can't believe that! I Hope you are getting better, and able to rest a little. I don't know how with two boys. But I will pray that you heal quickly!!! Wish I could help....
