Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Happy Birfday" and "Bubberfwies"

"Happy Birfday, Gwamma!!" I meant to post this on Friday but time got away from me with a little sick one in the house. These little monkeys and their mommy and daddy love you SO MUCH!!! We wish you the happiest birthday ever with a new year full of love, hope, joy and many blessings!!

Zakkai is still sick but recovering. He isn't sleeping well because his cough keeps him up (and me, too!) but I'm hoping he'll be feeling better soon. He was just next to me coloring on a mini doodle-pro that we have and he held up his lovely baby-scribbles with pure joy on his face and said, "Bubberfwy!!" I looked and exclaimed over his lovely creation and said, "Oh! Is that a butterfly?" He said happily again, "Bubberfwy!!!" It will be all too soon that he will start saying words correctly so I am going to enjoy and write down these precious little things!

Speaking of precious things, I keep notebooks for the boys in which I write all of their milestones,cute sayings and precious memories because I know that while fresh in my mind now, someday these small little things will grow fuzzy and dim and then I will be able to look back and read over these tiny things, only precious to a mother, and smile. (and probably cry, too!) So I try to remember throughout the week the things my boys do. For instance, a friend from housegroup brought snack this past thursday night and she made a trip to Chinatown to bring some special Chinese cakes. Ben let the boys try a piece on Friday and told Samuel it was called a "Chinese Moon Cake" and Samuel said, "Can I have anovver piece of Chinese Moose Cake?" It's those things I write down and treasure:)

We just outside for a few minutes and saw our first snowflakes! It is FREEZING outside and feels even colder since 4 days ago it was 70 degrees! Ah, the joys of midwest weather:) We were lucky to have some extra summer-like weather in November! And comes the winter! (groan)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. Loved your love letter to and about your boys. How cute are they. Your Grandma and Grandpa great love you so much.
