Monday, October 27, 2008

Not Me, Mondays!!

I saw this clever idea on another blog ( two....I wish I could claim it as my own idea...but I can't. So here it goes....

I was definitely not grumpy this past weekend. I did not say that I don't like Saturdays and then escape the house all on my own during naptime. I didn't drive through terrible traffic and wander around JoAnn Fabrics all alone. I definitely didn't enjoy getting out by myself. You can bet I did not sneak a piece of my son's caramel apple when he wasn't looking after church yesterday. And this morning I assuredly did not hit the snooze button and skip my morning workout. I was not at all cold this morning when I headed out with the boys to an appt. We were not almost late as usual since I am always perfectly on time. I did not come back and make my children a healthy lunch of grilled cheese (there were veggies, too!) and get irked when Zakkai did not throw his on the floor. I definitely did not eat a few small bites of the unwanted grilled cheese. I didn't hold my precious sons in my arms and rock with them and read them a story and it sure wasn't a story that I picked because I wanted to hear it more than they did...
I did not sigh with relief when my sweet angels were tucked into their respective beds for a nap and I am not wasting my limited quiet time of the day messing around on the computer instead of cleaning or doing something productive...I am not sitting here wishing I had some chocolate to nibble on as I am not fighting to keep my eyes open....I am not!


Angela Kim said...

this is great!! :)

Emily and Frank said...

I do not admit that I also spent a ridiculous amount of time wandering around a craft store over the weekend. I am not a craft store addict!
