Wednesday, August 20, 2008


well, I wish I had something interesting to blog about....but other than today being Z's 18 month bday and him being a terror....I don't! Oh yes, Z is a terror. He has full fledgedly become a toddler. In the past couple of days, he has screamed (A LOT), thrown himself to the ground (gently, mind you), thrown toys and given me THE grumpiest little faces you've ever seen!! I was on my last nerve this afternoon from all the screaming going on in the house (and Samuel and I weren't participating) so we went for a little walk to get.some.fresh.air....It's a good thing that booger is cute!!
Since we've come back, it's been hot, the toilet broke and I miss Ben more than ever. I knew it was time to come because there were a lot of little things to take care of I'm really missing family. It's very lonely to watch the Olympics alone at night....there's no one to cheer with or yell with about the cheating going on!! So sad...
It feels like Ben should be here. I know S feels the same way because yesterday morning he asked me if daddy was out in the living room. He is counting down the days like me! (20 if you want to know!) I can't believe how much they've changed this summer. Ben won't be able to either. Samuel has conversations that are more adult-like and plays with more imagination and for really long periods by himself, especially when it's with his precious trains. (note to self: take picture of S with his wheelbarrow full of trains...) And Zakkai is, as I mentioned, totally toddler. He's into everything, repeating lots of words and really interested in playing at an older level, too. Did I mention that he has started climbing in the past few days, too? And we've still got 6 months til he turns two! We are in trouble....
I am trying to get the apt organized. I am always rearranging (just ask our housegroup!) and trying to figure out better ways to fit everything in. Any tips for making lots of toys NOT look like they're overrunning your house? I'm about ready to say no more toys for bdays and Christmas (JK Samuel!!) and have people add to their college fund instead...(okay, so only S has one so far and it doesn't have much in it:)
Will post with pics nextime and make it more interesting!!! Have a good Thursday!

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