Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Random musings

I am finally better! Yea for drugs:) The boys are still trying to get over their colds but thank the Lord, no one else got my stomach flu! I am finally getting out of the house again. The boys and I were starting to feel a little cooped up..Winter here can be very isolating, since we normally walk EVERYWHERE and when it's so cold and windy outside, sometimes I just don't feel like pulling out those coats and gloves and hats and scarves....again... We have had over 47 inches of snow this winter so far and I'm sure there is more to come before spring finally shows itself! Of course, before we moved, someone told me, "There are pretty much only two seasons in Chicago. Summer and winter." They were right....but right now I could go for a nice 72 degree day, sunny with a slight breeze:)
I am really looking forward to going to the parks around here. Samuel has been begging me to go to the zoo and to build a sandcastle. He started asking me when I was so sick last week, so I told him, "When mommy feels better, then we'll go to the zoo." Famous last words...Yesterday morning when I went in to go get Samuel, he pops up and says, "Are you feel better, mommy?" and when I said "yes", he said, "Can we go to the zoo?" and proceeded to name off every animal he wants to see (except hippos because they're "cary")
I am treasuring up all of my little stories and moments with my precious boys because I know time goes too fast and before I know it, they'll be in school and won't want anything to do with mommy! For now though, I will enjoy each moment with my two blond headed, blue eyed angels and be so incredibly thankful that God gave them to us to love!

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