Monday, March 31, 2008

Back to Routine

It's been awhile since I posted last. We have been busy and it took awhile to get back into routine and back onto Chicago time (who would have thought an hour would make such a big difference?!) Ben is back in school as of this morning. He is very excited about his classes (taking 3, auditing 2) and is ready to finish up his 3rd year! Can you believe so much time has gone by already?
It was nice to see family last week. Samuel loved seeing Mugga, Papa and Grandma! He spent the whole time driving around in Mugga's red car and playing with her Thomas the Train set. Needless to say, he has been Thomas OBSESSED since we got back! (even more than before..) I found two Thomas videos at Once Upon a Child (great store) and he wants to watch them all day, every day! He builds train tracks and drives Thomas and Friends back and forth. They come to lunch...They are NOT allowed to nap with him:)
So, we have been working more towards beginning potty training (yikes!) and we decided to work with the Thomas obsession and get a new train or two (Henry and Gordon for the Thomas buffs out there) as a prize for when he starts going potty. He saw them and we had to explain what they were for. Now all he can think about is how to get them! Yesterday, he was playing with his trains and he must've thought about his prizes so he ran to me and said "Mommy! I need to go potty!" I said, "okay!" and we rushed off to the bathroom where... he refused to take off his clothes or diaper, sat on his potty for about 20 seconds and jumped up and said, "okay! Let's go get a prize!" he smart or what! I'm open for suggestions on potty training a smart child who doesn't like change.....
Zakkai is starting to turn toddler overnight! Not my sweet baby! He definitely has a little temper and likes to have his own way. He wanted to do something today and I wouldn't let him and he started hitting the air and the floor to show me that he was very frustrated. I got the message very clearly! He is also into everything and extremely persistent (how many times can a parent say no??!!) He loves to bug Samuel and tear up the train tracks and thinks it's hilarious when you try to redirect him 800 times. It's very hard not to laugh when he does because he's so cute! It could be those fangs he has...
Please pray for us as we start a new quarter. It's always hard to adjust to the busyness and the lack of family time. Samuel really misses daddy. He was getting into a routine of snuggling with daddy in the morning for a litte bit over this spring break so this morning when he woke up, the first thing he said was, "Can I go 'nuggle wif Daddy?" It make me so sad to tell him daddy was at school! I think Saturdays will be the official snuggle day! Enjoy the video! (press play twice) P.S. Pleast post comments!! I really want to hear from you! I fixed it so you should be able to comment without signing up for an account (which is free, by the way!)

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