Here's a few random silly Samuel sayings (say that 5 times fast!) from this past week. The other day we were out at the playground, where we spend lots of time, and the boys were going down one of the plastic slides that make you very staticky (sp?) and Samuel touched my arm by accident and shocked me! He said, "Oh! Mommy, I shot you!!" So funny... Then yesterday we were drawing on a special card for Papa and just chatting about random things and Samuel started telling me he needed to watch Thomas and he said, "How 'bout at thirty o' clock, mommy?"
Samuel is SOOO excited for his birthday!! We ask him when his birthday is and he says, "July 6th!" And how old are you going to be.. "Free!!" He desperately wants to add more trains to his Thomas collection. He adds to his running tab of wanted trains everyday! We have to keep talking to him about being thankful for all the trains he does have and that he might get some more for his birthday:) He followed some poor little boy around the park the other day who had a train he doesn't have yet (Henry) and was fascinated! He was very upset when the other little boy buried Henry in the sand and wouldn't clean him off! To Samuel, these trains are treasures, not sand toys!!
Zakkai is back to his silly tyrant self, which we are so happy about!! He is getting so fast with his walking and is into everything! He plays for hours everyday with his keys and is so happy:) He wants to read books all the time..."Buh?Buh?" but you have to watch him because he bends all the books backwards. He is learning to say "please" and "thank you" which is very helpful! He is starting to get very frustrated when Samuel bugs him, even though they play very well together most of the time, and he just screams. I am trying to teach him how to say in words and sign language, "Stop, Samuel!" but it hasn't happened yet...For now our hearing is continuing to get damaged! Here is a silly picture of him today stuffing a huge piece of banana in his mouth:) He LOVES his "nana's!"
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