Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Favorite Things

 Things are looking up here today. The boys, while they still have colds, don't seem to be going into any other infections and hopefully will get better soon. Maybe this will be the last sickness! Wait, haven't I said that before?  Darn. Well, hopefully it really will be this time....

Eliana finally is showing good improvements today!! Hooray! She's been on probiotics for 2 days, which I think is helping her digestive track and I have been off of dairy for 4 1/2 days. Her eczema, which got much worse over the past few days, cleared up noticably today! She still has it on her belly/chest/arms/leg....well, everywhere! But it is definitely healing. And, pardon the poop-talk, she had some normal diapers today for the first time in 11 days!!

I really, really hope that she continues to improve and whatever this is works its way out of her body. We need a good streak of health over here!!
Also, I got my deductible from my car accident back today which means it is all settled!!! That is such a relief, as I was told it could be up to 3 years. Isn't that ridiculous? Anyways, so thankful it all worked out!
There are many parts to a baby that I love: their amazingly soft skin, silky hair, chubby cheeks, ham-hock thighs, tiny fingers and much more!

But one of my very favorite parts of my chunky monkey, are her feet.

They are so pure. Untouched and unblemished. Soft and rosy. Clean and sweet.

The sweet little toes curl up and her feet move and wiggle constantly. I love to kiss them and hold them in my hands and marvel at their perfectness.

God definitely knew what He was doing when He made babies!!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Precious photos! :)

Glad to hear that deductible finally came - I can't believe that it could have taken up to 3 years. If they were going to wait that long, they should have repaid you with interest. :) Nonetheless, I bet you are happy that all is settled!

Miss you all!!!
