Monday, July 26, 2010

T Week!!!

I totally got sidetracked from doing Alphabet Weeks a month or 7 ago:) It was too hard to have the energy to do it for so long with all the winter illnesses, etc. BUT. I realized a couple of weeks ago that there were exactly the same letters left in the alphabet that we hadn't done yet as there are weeks left til school starts.

So...we have resurrected our Alphabet Weeks to countdown til school. And I felt guilty for not finishing. Especially when Samuel looked through his alphabet notebook a couple of weeks ago and asked why it stopped at S...

T is for:

Painting T's with teabags!!

Z takes his painting very seriously:) And refused to use the teabag...

Samuel is getting really creative with his painting, a craft he used to hate!

Z always wants to do extra papers after he's done. He requested a turtle (and Samuel requested himself eating a tortilla. Hey, whatever floats your boat!)

For Z's alphabet notebook: T is for Tree! I love that he mixes all his colors together and yet picked the perfect colors for a tree:)

For Samuel's notebook: T is for none other than...Train! (the shadow at the bottom is me, not the painting!) I love how colorful it is and how everything is colored separately. So true to how he approaches many things in life!
T is for Thomas Train! We couldn't find any Thomas books at the library (go figure) but we did find a Thomas movie:) Thomas has been a part of our family for 2 1/2 years. Sniff.
T is also for:
Books: "Albert's Terrible Toothache", "Arabella Miller's Tiny Caterpillar", "The Two Sillies", "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" and "Firetrucks" to name a few!
Food: Tacos!! Tea, Treats, Turkey
Subjects we talked about: Toys, Trucks, Trains, Toes, Tummies, Uncle Tim, Trees, Thunder, Tigers, Tigger, Trouble, Teamwork and more!
*And we tried really hard to go see "Toy Story 3" as a treat with a movie giftcard we have, only to get waylaid by many non-working traffic lights which made us already 10 minutes late before we came upon a completely flooded road! All thanks to the pouring rain and bad storms we received on Fri night. We are going to try again this weekend:)
Need ideas for "U" week!!!


Annie said...

Idea for U-week!

When I was younger, my mom would read us the book "Underwear" by Mary Elise Monsell. It's a super cute book about this buffalo that is grumpy so his friends tell him that they don't think that he can say "underwear" 10 times without laughing...I won't spoil the end for you! :) Hope you're able to find it and enjoy it just as much as I did (and still do!).

mommyoflove3 said...

We just got that book a few months ago! Good idea:) We'll read it tonight..
