Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wordy Wednesday

A few pictures from our trip home! Okay...a lot of pics!
Two onsies/dress I made for my friend's new baby!
Throwing rocks in the river with Grandma and cousins, Brandon and Kaleb

Zakkai, Brandon, Samuel
Meeting my friend's baby girl: Olivia Kate~ 2 weeks old
A beaming Sarah and her precious baby girl

Decorating eggs with Mugga!
Zakkai's first egg decorating experience!
Ready, Get Set.....Go! (My cousin's friends, my nephews Jackson and Dylan, Samuel)

Samuel and his precious eggs!

Zakkai's egg-loot!
Mugga, Papa and Samuel

Mugga, Papa and Zakkai

The result of visiting on Easter:)

It is amazing what a one hour time difference can do to children! The boys are still going to bed super-early and unfortunately waking up early, too. And Zakkai is G.R.U.M.P.Y!!! We are totally thrown off by coming home on Monday and both Ben and I are completely confused on what day it is. Wednesday already?!

I apologize ahead of time for a very random post. I compose bits and pieces of posts for my blog throughout the day: clever things, funny sayings, silly stories.... And then I log on, the blank page comes up....and all my thoughts fly right out the window. I am learning how to be me and to write with my own style.
I never get to watch romance movies (courtesy of my husband) but tonight on tv I found "You've Got Mail." Sigh. Have I ever mentioned that Tom Hanks is my favorite actor? I'm not into movie stars at all but I do love a good Tom Hanks movie. And throw Meg Ryan in? You've got a good movie!
Zakkai is starting to boss Samuel around! He even tattled on him for the first time on the way home from Ohio on Monday:) It made us laugh and Samuel protest. Like big brother, like little brother. He is starting to tell us what Samuel wants along with his own wants, too. Samuel is usually the one who speaks for Zakkai so it's really funny to hear it turned around. This morning Zakkai said, "I wan' Shredded Wheat. Samel wants Life." He is growing up SO fast! Our families could not believe how big he's gotten or how much he looks like Samuel.
Yesterday Ben got out some tools to tighten something on Samuel's scooter and the boys had to get our their tools to "help." It was SO cute to watch them! They went around finding some more things to fix. Then this morning our janitor, Ivan, stopped by to fix an outlet in the kitchen and the boys were absolutely enthralled with what he was doing. Samuel dragged his workshop over near the kitchen, asked me to help him put on his Bob the Builder toolbelt and filled all the loops with tools. He wore it most of the day:)
While I was in the worst of my injury, I made a list of my goals for 2009. Partially because I really do have a lot of personal goals I'd like to accomplish and partially because I was pretty much stuck on the couch and anything sounded like a fun goal at the time, including cleaning the apartment from top to bottom!
One of my little goals (okay, big) is to get caught up on my scrapbooking for the boys. I was really really close to being completely caught up....and then Zakkai was born. And now? I am ONLY about 1 1/2 years behind on Zakkai and just less than 2 years behind on Samuel. Why does that sound incredibly daunting seeing it in print? It would be so nice to be caught up and add pictures as they come. Tonight I did May-June 2007 for Samuel. He was SO little! Hopefully I can get caught up before they're teenagers:)
Anyways, lame post. I can't seem to collect my thoughts tonight but at least you know we're doing well, just getting settled back into our busy life and trying to de-grumpify the children:)

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