Monday, April 20, 2009

Days like These

Feeling a little anxious today and worrying about "what-ifs". Feeling the need to BREATHE and slow down, to calm my mind and my heart. To still myself enough that I can hear His voice speaking to me and feel His peace wash over me. One of those days....

UNTIL .....I got sweet slobbery two-year old kisses, sweet gentle three-year old kisses and tender loving faithful husband kisses. THAT makes life seem so much better!
Last night Samuel was in the bathroom with me brushing his teeth while I was taking out my contacts. He was watching VERY carefully..
S: "Mommy? Why are you taking out part of your eye?"
H, chuckling: "It's not my eye! It's called a contact and it helps me see."
S, thinking: "Oh. Well can I see the part of your eye?"
H, showing him the contact and my in-tact eye: "See, it's not my eye, just my contact."
S: "Can I have contacts, too?"
While at various parks this weekend, the boys went down the slides about 892 times each! Samuel flies down the slides so fast, he swoops right off the end and lands on his feet which is hilarious every time. Zakkai gets going really fast but slows himself down towards the end by turning sideways or using his feet. He always gets off with a HUGE smile on his face. At the end of one such sliding-venture, he exclaimed, "I so funny, mommy!" Yes, Zakkai, you are:)
I am so thankful for the silly, sweet, endearing antics of my precious boys especially on days like these!

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