Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Miss Thang, Teeth and other stories.

Samuel's feeling a bit lighter tonight because he's once again toothless! That's right, #2 came out this afternoon and now he has the perfect space for a straw:)

He must've felt a little pressure since his good buddy, Danny, lost his front tooth last night and so he did a little, or a lot of wiggling in school today and after school he came running up to me and said, "My tooth is SO wiggly! I can wiggle back and forth and sideways, too!"

And so, he very kindly offered me ONE chance to pull it out today. He's a little gunshy after the last tooth-pulling episode. After he finished his homework and was at the sink washing something out, I came over and used his shirt and with barely any pulling, it was out!

I don't think anymore will come out for awhile and I promise not to document them all but he's awfully cute with some missing teeth:)

Here is Z-man enjoying a drumstick this weekend. Ben said, "He used to be so photogenic...." Hard to tell with his recent goof-ball pictures:) He is really enjoying his foray into reading and also showing some mad math skills! He was asking Samuel to give him some math problems this weekend and his stinker of a brother said, "Hmmmm.. What's 300 plus 300?"

I asked him to start a little smaller;) And during our story tonight, Zakkai sat back with a frown and a big sigh mid-chapter and when I looked at him, he said forlornly, "I wish I could read."

So fun to see him really wanting to learn!

Samuel cracks himself up every time he looks at this picture:)

Eliana practiced some stroller-walking this weekend but you may not be able to tell from this picture what is so special about her walk.

Hmmm.....let's look at a close-up....

Oh, that's right! She was strolling along in her Cabbage Patch Doll's shoes! Oh, she is so silly!!

She had such an off day today. She and I ran out to do some grocery shopping this morning and she did great until the last 10 minutes, when she decided to have a very loud, tears-rolling-down-the-face meltdown. Because she wanted me to carry her.

Which, if you've ever pushed a cart full of groceries, you would know is not an easy thing to do. She cried through check-out and was quickly pacified by a piece of a bagel:)

Then she and I rushed home, put away the cold stuff and went out to the library for her first storytime! She also cried there when we first walked in the story room but by the end was shaking tamborines and shakers and having a pretty good time.

During her happy period this afternoon, she showed off some pretty cool dance moves, which I just happened to catch on video for you. Don't you feel special?!

*Disclaimer: please ignore the messy kitchen. I was in the process of cleaning it when I decided Miss Thang's dance moves were more important:)

Also, I rotated the video to be right side up but it's refusing to show up that way! I know sideways videos stink and I'm sorry!

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