Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Samuel the Teacher

Today we went to Samuel's student-parent conference at school. We were all really looking forward to it! (except for the meltdown situation we had 20 min before we left....) About 3 students and families came at a time, every 30 min. The first thing the teachers did was to tell Samuel to get his binder and his agenda:)

He had a sheet with all of the activities he was going to "teach" us circled. He started with a syllable game where you clap a persons name and sing a special song and tell how many syllables it has. Ex. Samuel (clapping twice)
Samuel (clapping twice)
How many sounds in Samuel's name?

He started out really shy, barely above a whisper but gradually gained confidence as he went through the names of his classmates:) Then he took us to "patterns" where he taught us how to build little block towers in color patterns. He was very serious as he showed us what to do!

Probably everyone's favorite activity was the ice melting. We each got a few ice cubes in a zipblock bag. We had to "measure" them with little blocks to see if they were big or small. Then we rubbed the bags to make our ice melt from solids to liquids. Zakkai had a great time!:)

Then Samuel had us make cards at the writing table. It was fun to watch him draw. He has started adding hair to his people. Boys' hair sticks straight up in lines and my hair, according to him, is "curly" because it curls around my whole head:)

We ended with snack time in which he very seriously laid out a small paper towel for each of us. Gave us a scoop of goldfish and then filled up little paper cups with water! Seriously, it sounds kind of silly to someone else but it was SO cute! He is getting so big. One of his teachers told us she is so confident that he is ready for kindergarten and will do great!

There was a little video for us to watch in the hallway. They set up a laptop and you could click on "Morning Friends" or "Afternoon Friends" to see little videos they had taken. Samuel was in one called "Samuel's Surveys." He decided last week one day to take a survey and ask people if their puppy was sick. He was holding a piece of paper and a marker and he asked different classmates, with some guidance from his teacher, is their puppy was sick. The kids were so cute:) The final tally was 3 puppies were sick. Mrs Darby, his teacher, asked him, "So what are you going to do about that?" He shrugged, looking very shy, and said, "I don't know." You could tell she was smiling when she said, "Oh, okay, you just wanted to know if people had sick puppies?"

Samuel walked away proudly today, knowing that his mommy and daddy are SO proud of him and love to see how hard he works! I only wish I would've remembered to bring my camera.....

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