Monday, August 17, 2009

B Week!!

Sorry I am so late in blogging about "B Week." It has been such a Busy week! Haha.

B is for:
Painting with Baby Bottles

Z and his masterpiece! Painting B's.

S painting his B's

Having a lakeside picnic while looking for BOATS
But....we only saw one or two waaaaaay off in the distance. See?

My Baby

My Big Boy
B is for a Breakfast of Blueberry waffles with Banana faces (first I used raisins, then I used blueberries)

B is for Baryonyx dinosaur at the Brookfield Zoo!
Boys at the Zoo

B is for Brown Bear
and polar Bear

B is for Beach! We spent several hours down at the beach on Saturday and this is the result:

Here is our Alphabet wall! I forgot to take a pic of their B papers for their alphabet notebooks:)

B is also for balls, butterflies, bananas, birds, boys, bicycles, baths and Breakfast for Dinner!! Now I'm trying to think of ideas for C week which starts today! Any ideas??


Emily S. said...

Hmmm... croquet? cacti? cake!!

Anonymous said...

chicago, cubs, canteloupe, cheese, cats, cars, crepes, cards, corn hole, circus, camels, etc..

mommyoflove3 said...

thanks, ladies!!
